Corrosion Resistance

Corrosion resistance testing is a set of laboratory tests and procedures designed to evaluate how well materials and coatings can withstand corrosion or degradation when exposed to corrosive environments. Corrosion is a natural process that can cause metals, alloys, and other materials to deteriorate over time when they come into contact with corrosive substances such as moisture, chemicals, or salt. Corrosion resistance testing is essential in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, construction, and manufacturing, to ensure that materials and products remain durable and reliable in real-world conditions.

Key aspects of corrosion resistance testing include:

  1. Sample Preparation: Test specimens are prepared to represent the material or coating being evaluated. These specimens can include metal coupons, coatings applied to substrates, or entire components.
  2. Exposure Conditions: The specimens are exposed to specific corrosive environments, which can vary depending on the intended application. Common corrosive environments include salt spray (salt fog), humidity, acid solutions, alkaline solutions, and more.
  3. Testing Duration: The duration of the test depends on factors like the expected service life and the severity of the environment. Testing can range from a few hours to several months or longer.
  4. Evaluation Methods: Various evaluation methods are used to assess corrosion resistance, including visual inspection, weight loss measurements, electrochemical techniques (such as polarization resistance or potentiodynamic polarization), and more.
  5. Standards and Specifications: Corrosion resistance testing often follows established industry standards and specifications. These standards provide guidelines on test conditions, procedures, and acceptance criteria. Some examples of widely used corrosion resistance testing standards include ASTM B117 (salt spray testing),
  6. Coating Performance: In addition to testing the corrosion resistance of base materials, coatings (such as paints, platings, and surface treatments) are also evaluated for their ability to protect underlying substrates from corrosion.
  • Range: Metal & Metal products, Paint applications
  • Test Standard: ASTM B 117

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